Foods classified as Yin and Yang are largely determined by their geographical and environmental factors as manifested in the four season transformation in temperate countries.
When spring comes and snow covering the soil starts melting,all vegetation raise their energies as burgeoning buds give the earth a change of refreshing and light energy.As the rising energy becomes active,it turns to diffusing heat in the summer.When heat accumulates,condensation begins with a downward and sinking energy giving rise to autumn.Produce harvested in the summer and late summer are juicer and sweet and have Yin characteristics.Vegetables grown high above the ground are classified as having Yin energy.
In autumn,energy starts to consolidate and move downward and it is time to harvest wheat,barley,brown rice,pumpkin,onion and other round vegetables.These are less juicy,appear sturdy,and classified as having neutral and balancing energy.During winter when snow falls and covers the ground,all vegetation contract and condense their energies at the root area below ground.Animals go into hibernation or migrate to the south seeking warmth and comfort.Vegetables in this season are classified as having Yang energy.When condensation becomes extreme,snow starts to melt and the cycle of life is renewed in its natural fixed rhythm again.
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