~ 身土不二
Human beings and nature are closely connected
Macrobiotics has a large macro perspective.It is not just all about eating organic vegetables.Eating in harmony with nature is the main concern.Organic food refers to organically cultivated produce without the use of chemical weed killers,insecticide,herbicide and growth accelerated hormones.Organic produce does not pollute the environment and the water.Instead,it is absolutely eco-friendly and safe.
~ 一物全体
Eat food in its whole form
Eat food in its whole form
Whole food is unrefined food and the foundation of a healthy diet.
~ 医食同源
Pure food is medicine
~ 阴阳平衡
Pure food is medicine
As reported by scientists,pure food as in organically cultivated food has higher nutrient contents.Uncontaminated food helps heal an ailing body just like medicine.Pure food that is in harmony with one's constitution keeps diseases away.
宇宙的根本能量分为阴阳两种能量,从而衍生五种不同的能量,即五行 : 木行,火行,土行,金行及水行,再从五种能量衍生万象。五行能量是宇宙万象的法则,是时时刻刻在变化的能量。若我们能够掌握这些能量变化的法则,就能掌握我们的健康及人生。
木行的能量是阴性, 上升; 火行的能量是旷散的; 土行的能量是下降的; 金行的能量是凝聚的;水行的能量是浮动的。木行代表肝脏及胆囊; 火行代表心脏及小肠; 土行代表脾脏, 胰脏及胃; 金行代表肺脏及大肠;水行代表肾脏及膀胱。
土行的脾脏功能阻滞时, 与土行相克关系的肝脏及胆囊则要先治疗。同样的,当肝脏及胆囊功能低弱时, 金行的肺脏及大肠则要先治疗。你可以根据以下的略表观察宇宙的能量与人体, 器官, 情感, 口味, 食物, 季节, 环境和颜色的相应与关系。
Yin-Yang balance and the Five Elements
The energy of the universe originates from Yin and Yang energy.Yin and Yang refer to the complementary and opposite energies that make up all phenomena.Yang stands for the active energy and represents the relative tendencies of contraction,centripetal force,density,heat,light,strenght and downward movement.Yin is the receptive energy.It represents the relative tendency of expansion,growth,centrifugal force,diffusion,cold,darkness and upward movement.Both Yin and Yang energies are refined further into five stages of transformation classified as upward wood energy,outward fire energy,downward soil energy,gathering metal energy and floating water energy.These five energies or elements correspond with all natural cycles and rhythms,including the seasons,time of day,phases of the moon,taste,senses,personal and social cycles and all other phenomena in nature.The five stages of transformation are constantly changing.If we understands the laws of universal change and their effects on human beings,we will be able to take control of our health and lives.
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