Friday, December 10, 2010




Our human lungs deal with many irritants daily. City folks breathe in noxious fumes, smoke and carbon released by vehicles, factories and incinerators. The lungs of smokers are contaminated by smoke, nicotine and tar as cigarettes have the most carcinogenic substances known to man.
Detoxing and building up the strength of our lungs are increasingly necessary. 


材料 : 节莲, 有机红味噌, 有机干大根。
适合調理 : 多痰,咳嗽,手腳冰冷,傷風,鼻子敏感


4.Macrobiotic 7 – day lung strengthening therapy

Ingredients : Pure kohren beverage ,Organic red 
miso,Organic daikon ganbuzu.
Suitable for : Phlegm,Cough,Cold hands and feet 
and sinus

How to use : Bring 3 cups water to a boil,add 1 packet lung strengthening tea bag and boil until water remain 1.5 cup.Add 1 packet organic instant red miso and 1 tablespoon (10g) kohren beverages. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010






Our kidneys filter some 200 quarts of blood daily to extract two quarts of waste products and extra water that enter the urinary system. Urine from the kidneys is stored in the bladder until it is excreted from the body.
Eating a healthy diet and drinking enough liquids help to flush and cleanse the kidneys. 

3.正食 七 天腎臟保健組合


3.Macrobiotic 7 day kidney Strengthening therapy 

Ingredients : Organic sprouted adzuki bean,Daifuku kombu seaweed,Okinawa natural sea salt.
Suitable for : Low energy level,stress,chronic fatigue,nerve disorder,insomnia,bloated.

How to use : Take 1 sachet,add 3 cups of water and bring to boil.Boil until water remains 1 cup.Strain,take 1 cup a day for 7 days.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

正食十天大腸排毒 療方組合



Our digestive tract sluggishness and dysfunction result from colon contamination. If our bodies have been ingesting refined sugar, white flour, alcohol, hormones/antibiotics filled meats and other bad foods, only cleansing the bowel can lead us back to health.
Without detox, the toxic poisons get into the bloodstream causing all kinds of ailments and diseases. 



2.Macrobiotic 10 - day colon detoxification therapy
Ingredients : Pure red nori seaweed,Organic 1 year
umesu vinagar.
Suitable for : Constipation,Indigestion,Bloated.
Precaution : This therapy is not suitable for 
pregnant mother.

How to use : Take 1 tablespoon umesu vinegar 
mixed with 1 cup warm water together with 1 
tablespoon pure red nori seaweed.Take 1 cup 
twice a day,one in the morning and one in evening.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

正食療法 Macrobiotic Remedy


The main human internal organs and systems that detoxify the body are the liver,colon,kidneys and lungs.They all help remove contaminating wastes and toxins to keep us healthy.


Vital for cleansing and filtering the bloodstream, the human liver is full of chemicals from food and drinking water.Today, fruits and vegetables are sprayed with toxic pesticides, cattle and poultry injected with hormones and antibiotics and much of our food genetically modified.
Hence the liver contaminated with toxins and fats from eating processed and fried foods must be cleaned up. 

The Macrobiotic remedy is a proven way to detox and strengthen the body regularly.With proper macrobiotic nutrition,the body organs and systems can function better.Macrobiotic remedy sets are available for ease of consumption at Woods Macrobiotics and Ohuku Macrobiotics.



1.Macrobiotic 7 days Liver Detoxification Remedy
Ingredients : Organic Mugicha,Wild Pine Donko,Organic Daikon Ganbuzu.
Suitable for : Fatty Liver,Stress,Chronic Fatigue,Phlegm,Insomnia.
Precaution : This therapy is not suitable for pregnant mother.

How to use :
Method 1 : Steep 1 packet liver detox tea in 1 cup of hot water and keep in a thermal flask for 8 hours.Discard bag and is ready to drink.
Method 2 : Bring 3 cups water to a boil,add 1 packet liver detox tea bag and boil until water remains 1 cup.Strain and take warm.
Take 1 cup per day for 7 days.Depending on condition,the detoxification programme can be extended to 10 days.The organic mugicha is for daily consumption.Add 1 tea bag to 1L hot water,steep for 2 minutes and serve.

Monday, November 8, 2010

癌症的陰陽 The Yin Yang of Cancer

癌症的起因非偶发性, 而是长久性累積的產物。遺傳基因是造成每人器官的虛實強弱的根源,官有陰陽體質的属性, 食物有陰陽的属性, 有些食物吃進身體內會生黏著物 (mucus) 能把血液轉成酸性或鹼性等特性。極陰性的食物在陰性體質虛弱部位因不能平衡,陰上加陰,會造成疾與症。極陽性的食物在陽性體質虛弱部位也會因不能平衡,陽上加陽,造成疾病與癌症。黏著物是一種類似痰的東西,長久在虛弱部位使致癌物不能新陈代谢排出體外,也會造成癌症。所食的陰性或陽性食物造成酸性血液體質的身體,因酸性血液氧氣量減少,造成癌細胞成長環境,也使器官機能減弱,免疫力降低,促使癌症加速的成長。吃過多極陽性的食物就好像身體碰上很100°C 的開水,身體會燙傷。吃過多極陰性的食物也好像身體碰上很多0°C 的冰塊,身體也會凍傷。過多極陽性的食物與過多極陰性的食物吃進肚子裡消化,如同100°C 的開水與0°C 的冰塊混合後的溶化作用, 速率很快, 非常激烈, 危害身體。

Cancer occurrence would never be incidentally, it’s subsequent by prolonged toxin accumulation. DNA inherited is the main factors of different health status of organs in individuals. Different organs could be categorized in yin or yang, food also have yin yang specification; whereby some of the food ingested would produce mucus which transform blood to acidic or alkaline character. Food with extreme yin would be imbalance in yin body especially weak organs, yin plus yin would lead to illness and cancer.  While food with extreme yang reacts on yang organs would also be imbalance and lead to illness and cancer. Mucus is phlegm alike substances, which stagnant on weak part causing carcinogen can’t be eliminate out from the body and gradually caused cancer. Yin or Yang food ingested would increase blood acidity, oxygen level reduced and the environment prone to cancerous cells growth, organ functions reduced and immunity weaken, promoting cancerous cell to grow fast. Eating too much of Yang food is picture by the body confronting with lots 100°C boiling water, the body would be burnt. However, eating too much Yin food is like pouring 0°C ice cubes to the body which would be injured of cold as well. Too much of excessive extreme yang & extreme yin food in the stomach, seem like experiencing 100°C boiling water and 0°C ice cubes mixing together, the melting effects is rapid and intense which is bad for health.     

Sunday, November 7, 2010

食物的能量分类 Classification of energy in food

陰性能量的特性 :

陽性能量的特性 :

在实用方面,现代食物可以分类成三大组 :
如 : 全谷类,豆类,海陆蔬菜,种子,泡菜,坚果,陽性水果,味噌,纯酱油,糙米醋,乌梅醋等。
如 : 鸡蛋,肉类,家禽,乳酪,海鲜类,贝壳类,高盐份食物,硬面包,精盐等。
如 : 白面包,白饭,体积较大的水果及蔬菜,香烟,胰岛素,香料,化学品,马铃薯,番茄,茄子,灯笼椒,牛奶,冰淇淋,巧克力,糖类,蜜糖等。

Characteristics of Yin plants :
Tropical,speedy growth,grow above ground,juicy,bigger in size,sour and bitter taste,sweet,spicy,aromatic,contain more potassium.

Characteristics of Yang plants :
Temperate,slowly growth,grow underground,drier,shorter in height,salty in taste,less sweet,pungent,contain more sodium.

In practical terms,modern food can be classified into three main groups :
1.Neutral food for regular consumption such as whole grain cereals,beans,land and sea vegetables,seeds,nuts,pickles,yang fruits,miso,naturally aged soy sauce,brown rice vinegar,ume vinegar,etc.
2.Extreme Yang and contracted food such as egg,meat,poultry,cheese,seafood,crustacean.  high sodium food,hard-baked refined bread,refined salt,etc.These foods are best avoided.
3.Extreme Yin and expanded food such as refined white bread,white rice,vegetable and big sized fruits,tobacco,insulin,spices,chemical additives,potato,tomato,eggplant,capsicum,dairy milk,ice cream,chocolate,refined sugar and honey.Limit the intake of these foods.

食物的陰陽五行平衡 The Yin Yang of food




Foods classified as Yin and Yang are largely determined by their geographical and environmental factors as manifested in the four season transformation in temperate countries.

When spring comes and snow covering the soil starts melting,all vegetation raise their energies as burgeoning  buds give the earth a change of refreshing and light energy.As the rising energy becomes active,it turns to diffusing heat in the summer.When heat accumulates,condensation begins with a downward and sinking energy giving rise to autumn.Produce harvested in the summer and late summer are juicer and sweet and have Yin characteristics.Vegetables grown high above the ground are classified as having Yin energy.

In autumn,energy starts to consolidate and move downward and it is time to harvest wheat,barley,brown rice,pumpkin,onion and other round vegetables.These are less juicy,appear sturdy,and classified as having neutral and balancing energy.During winter when snow falls and covers the ground,all vegetation contract and condense their energies at the root area below ground.Animals go into hibernation or migrate to the south seeking warmth and comfort.Vegetables in this season are classified as having Yang energy.When condensation becomes extreme,snow starts to melt and the cycle of life is renewed in its natural fixed rhythm again.