18世纪时,日本一位军医, 叫石稼医生,得了重病,用正食疗法调理,健康渐渐康复,于是把心得写成书。后来有一位学者,叫乔治先生,得了肺痨病,读了石稼医生的书,也用正食疗法,恢复健康。同时期的正食导师,如久司道夫先生,和蒙先生等都先后从日本漂洋过海,欧洲,美国,非洲,印度,中东,地中海国家,南美洲,亚太平洋国家, 亞洲,東南亞國家等,传达正食理念及实践方法。
In the 18 century, a military doctor named Mr Sagen Ishizuka got recovered from chronic disease when started to practice macrobiotic diet therapy. He then wrote his experiences into book.Then a scholar, George have had tuberculosis, after reading Mr Sagen Ishizuka book and practiced macrobiotic, he has recovered.In the mean time, Mr. Michio Kushi and Mr. Herman Aihara ( also from japan heading to Europe, united states, Africa, india, middle east, mediteraean, south Africa, pacific coutry, asia, sounth east asean etc to spread macrobiotics concepts and practicing it.
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